I remember the look in your eyes that day when you realized what I had done. Your pretty face was red with anger and you were at a loss for words. You didn't need to say anything, anyway, because I saw it all in your eyes- betrayal, disillusionment, revulsion.
In that moment, *I just wanted to crawl under a rock somewhere and hide.* But now that I understand the gravity of what I've done, *my actions have filled me with self-loathing and remorse.*
It's difficult for me to look in the mirror and *I'm not proud of the man I see there when I do.*
```*I am sorry.*```
I don't want you to think that I'm saying those words lightly. I really mean them. I am so sorry. I know that what I did was wrong and I know that it hurt you deeply. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I do know that I never wanted to hurt you.
*I wish I could take it back, but I can't.* All I can do is try to show you how much I regret what I've done and *ask for your forgiveness.*
```*I love you.*```
Please believe me. I love you for your giving nature, for helping me through my life, for staying up late; for the long walks; for talking about dreams and fears and hopes and hurts.
*We've shared so much. Let's share healing, too.*
Please forgive me,
Please love me as you did in the past....
Please let me forgive myself,
Please let me love myself as I did in the past.....
Please, please, please....
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Please forgive me.....
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Happy anniversary Sneh!! (3)
I never knew about happiness;
I didn’t think dreams came true;
I couldn’t really believe in love,
Until I finally met you.
Every year that I'm with you
Has been better than before;
It's hard for me to even think
How I could love you more.
Every year you've graced my life
Has been full of happiness;
I love your caring face, your voice,
Your tender, sweet caress.
Every year when this day comes,
I'm filled with love and pleasure;
Happy Anniversary, Love,
My joy, my delight, my treasure.
वाह रे इंसान।
वाह रे इंसान!!!
घर में निकला चूहा, दवा डाल मार गिराया,
मंदिर में माटी के चूहे के कान में अपना दु:ख कह आया।।
बच्चा मांगे खिलौना तो डांटे माँ और बाबा,
मंदिर की पेटी में जी भर भर डालें चंदा।।
नहाकर पहले गंगा में पाप अपने सब धो देता,
फिर वहीं से धोए पापों का पानी फिर से संग भर लेता।।
ऊपरवाले से उम्र भर अपनी ज़िंदगी की भीख मांगता,
और उसी की दुहाई देकर बेज़ुबान जानवर को काटता।।
जिस कागा को अपने घर की छत पर बैठे उड़ाता,
उसी को माँ बाप समझ, पकवान परोस आवाज़ें देता।।
वाह रे इंसान, तेरा तरीका समझ नहीं आता।।
वाह रे इंसान, तेरा तरीका समझ नहीं आता।।